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if a child has head lice all the time can it affedt there health in any other way ?

By Anonymous January 8, 2011 - 7:41am
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The first thing is that you should take a step to overcome the head lice on your daughter's head there are many products available in market. Most of the medical scientist and researchers suggests NYDA Head Lice treatment (You can buy it from here http://nydasolution.com.au/What_are_head_lice_.htm) Now you have to save your other kids from these so try to use this treatment on your kids too because there is a high probability that it may transfer on your kids .. Head lice and Head lice eggs are very dangerous so try to treat it early.

June 12, 2011 - 1:24am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,
Can you explain what is going on in further details that you may think is affecting the health of your child? What are the symptoms and so forth?
If your child continues to get head lice, getting to the root of where they are coming from will be the main objective to rid your child of the pesty critters for good. What have you done to try and get rid of the head lice? Removal from the head is the first step but they also will also need removed from your house. Another possibility is if someone (say at school) has lice it may just continue to be an issue until they are completely removed. Contacting the school and having the children checked would be a great idea.
Here is a great website on how to rid your home and child of lice http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/common/head_lice.html#.

I am curious as to what other issues are going on with your child that you may think are related to the head lice. Please provide further details so we may be able to better assist you.
Thank you,

January 8, 2011 - 9:39am
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