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I was going to the bathroom and thought it was poop but when I wiped the tissue was bloody and had a huge blood clot

By Anonymous August 11, 2017 - 12:45am
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Can this happen when u have hemorids

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER.

Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids may include:

Painless bleeding during bowel movements — you might notice small amounts of bright red blood on your toilet tissue or in the toilet
Itching or irritation in your anal region
Pain or discomfort
Swelling around your anus
A lump near your anus, which may be sensitive or painful

When irritated, external hemorrhoids can itch and bleed.

Keep an close eye on this. If the bleeding increases or you notice blood in your stool, please talk with your primary care physician.


August 11, 2017 - 7:46am
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