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I have had skin condition on hands and feet for 13 months, starting almost immediately after having pneumonia

By January 21, 2009 - 5:32pm
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I'm sorry could not explain further; I was cut off. So here goes, I have been to three drs. and am on 3rd dermatologist. He "thinks" it may be some form of psoriasis. I have used Triamcinolone Acetonide ointment, Clotrimazole and Betamethasone Dipropionate creams, Clobetason and salicylic acid creams. Have had Cutar soaks, all to no avail. Current recs. soaking 3 to 4 times, putting on a barrier such as Neutrogena cream (to build a barrier)and then Clobetasol. I have now sought help from a homeopath. She is trying to find remedy for my hands, which have skin build-up and split and/or bleed and for my feet which have same problem.

Thank you for any insight you may have.


January 26, 2009 - 2:44pm

Ruth, I would love to do some research for you on this. Can you tell me more?

What sort of skin condition do you have? Is it discoloration? A rash? Something more? Does it itch, or peel? Does it scar? Is it painful? And it's only on your hands and feet, nowhere else on your body?

Were you treated with specific medicines during your pneumonia that you might have had a reaction to?

How did the pneumonia occur?

What have you tried to ease the skin condition? Have you been able to consult your doctor, or a dermatologist, about it?

Please write back and let us know more to see if we can help.

January 22, 2009 - 10:14am
(reply to Diane Porter)

Comment by Anonymous on January 26, 2009 - 4:44pm
I'm sorry could not explain further; I was cut off. So here goes, I have been to three drs. and am on 3rd dermatologist. He "thinks" it may be some form of psoriasis. I have used Triamcinolone Acetonide ointment, Clotrimazole and Betamethasone Dipropionate creams, Clobetason and salicylic acid creams. Have had Cutar soaks, all to no avail. Current recs. soaking 3 to 4 times, putting on a barrier such as Neutrogena cream (to build a barrier)and then Clobetasol. I have now sought help from a homeopath. She is trying to find remedy for my hands, which have skin build-up and split and/or bleed and for my feet which have same problem.

Thank you for any insight you may have.


February 9, 2009 - 9:03am
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