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I wash my hair every other day but still seem to have dandruff.
I use an OTC dandruff shampoo and make sure to leave it in for a few minutes.
Are there any home remedies I can try?
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Thank you John for sharing your suggestions!
January 15, 2015 - 1:29pmThis Comment
Mix a mixture of warm water and baking soda and place it in a container that will be easy to shake. Make sure that the container is clean so that it will not mix with other properties. This can be used in lieu of shampoo although some people report that it can make the hair a bit on the dry side but the hair will recover in the end and it will be back to its full glory afterwards.
January 9, 2015 - 1:48amThis is a 15 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff Fast and Permanently you can have a try.
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Hi Hayden!
Thank you for sharing your question with the EmpowHER community! You definitely are not alone when it comes to those pesky white flakes-as a matter of fact, 50 million Americans suffer from dandruff regardless of age or lifestyle.
In most instances, a mild case of dandruff is likely just an outgrowth of dry scalp skin. However, in more severe cases of dandruff, the culprit is seborrheic dermatitis, a skin condition that, in addition to causing an itchy, scaly rash, also accelerates the process of shedding and replacing old, dead skin cells.
Here's an article from the EmpowHER community that offers some in-depth information that you can read.,1
Hayden, since the over the counter remedies aren't working for you, turning to natural, home recipes is definitely worth a try! The good news is that home remedies do work, however they do require a bit of patience and time to work.
Here is a list of home remedies such as coconut oil and aspirin! Please let me know if you try these and what the result is. I know our readers will benefit from your experience.
Will you keep me posted?
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