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I had 25 lb tümör in my stomach and had it taken out 2 years ago and the doc. said it was not cancerous....well for last fewonths I been swelling I still got excess fat from the surgery but to be honest my stomach from under my breast area and I do have

By Anonymous August 1, 2018 - 8:08pm
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Have hepatitis b for last few years that I know off.. but what concerns me is that on left side under breast I have a big buldge and u can feel knots in it. been there for awhile but now I can go stand sideways in mirror or straight at it and u can see were it is at??? I don't have insurance but been signed up on my didability for 3 years now....do really don't like to go. It unless I need to do any advise would be thanks please talk back to me as soon as u can. God bless you!!!?

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon
Thank you for writing!
You really do need to seek medical advice. Your tumor could have returned or you could have something like a hernia, which, when large, can easily been seen from outside the body. It's important to have an evaluation (including scans) to know what this swelling is. Please let us know how it goes.

August 2, 2018 - 6:25am
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