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I got my period after taking Plan B pills even though I just had my period 3 days before.

By August 12, 2009 - 9:20pm
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My bf and I had unprotected sex right atfer I just ended my period I took plan B pills and the next day I got my period again even though I just had it 3 days earlier. But now I still haven't gotten my period. Is it possible that I'm just late?

Can anyone please help me? I'm thinking I'm just going to get my period really late. Or is it possible that I am pregnant? Answers asap please.

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EmpowHER Guest

so i had unprotected sex the day after my period was over and my bf came inside me. i took plan b onestep within the recommended 72 hours. a week later i had light to medium bleeding for about 4-5 days. i did not have my period on the expected date but about 2 weeks late i had light bleeding, then heavy bleeding, then light bleeding again for three days. is that my period? or is it something else? i'm very concerned, my breasts are also tender now, i find it harder to breathe, and i've had pain on my sides between my ribs and pelvic bone, and i've been urinating more frequently like 4-6 times a day. could this just be the pills causing this?

January 9, 2011 - 8:58pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
Bleeding is an indication you are not pregnant. Symptoms you are experiencing may be anxiety, or something else. If you are concerned, call your doctor's office and ask them what they think and what they suggest.
For more information, please review this article about what to expect when taking emergency contraception like PlanB: Emergency Contraception Update, 2010.

January 10, 2011 - 10:18am

Hi Christine,

Thanks for the response. Yesterday I went to my doctors office .
I went for a blood test HCG,SER,QL tests came out negative.
what does it mean? Still didn't get my period.

January 8, 2011 - 6:18pm
(reply to jas)

What do you mean "tests came out negative"? Did the nurse explain the results to you? If not, you may want to call their office and ask. You also can ask at that time about your period, and what they suggest.

January 10, 2011 - 10:15am
(reply to Christine Jeffries)

I got my period today.

January 14, 2011 - 9:58pm

Hi we had unprotectedsex on nov 22nd 2010 which is my 4th day of menstraul period and i took next choice the next day 4:30pm which is my 5th day of menstrual period and 12hrs later 4:15am i took the 2nd pill. On dec 1st i got period which is light spotting brown discharge for 5 days. I usually get my period 8days early so my next menstraul period should come on dec 12th 2010. Till now i did'nt get my period
i did 3 home pregnancy test that brand is first response which came negative. I did test on these dates dec 13th,19th,23rd 2010. today is dec 29th 2010. iam really worrying .But i am feeling like i got my period but not bleeding when i go and check in the restroom it is white discharge and my vagina is wet not at all times. Please help me.today is jan 1st still i didn't get my period. I am so much worrying please help.

January 1, 2011 - 5:37pm
(reply to jas)

Hi Jas,
Taking emergency contraception like you did can mess up your menstrual cycle, so it may not come when you expect it.
For more information, please thoughtfully read through this article: Emergency Contraception Update, 2010.
If you have more questions after reading the article, please let us know how we may be able to help you better advocate for your health. Good luck and let us know how you are doing.

January 3, 2011 - 9:11am

i took plan b a day after i had unprotected sex last month which was 3 days after my period ended and 5 days later i started spotting for 5 days. 2 weeks later, I took the pregnancy test and it was negative. now it has been a month already since i have my last period. is it possible that i'm skipping a month?

December 30, 2010 - 9:04pm
Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to JP)

It's possible that you're skipping a month, but you may also want to take another home pregnancy test to verify that.

December 31, 2010 - 4:23pm
(reply to Pat Elliott)

i just have my period this afternoon. it was almost 2 weeks late :]

January 1, 2011 - 8:27pm
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