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Hi we had unprotectedsex on nov 22nd 2010 which is my 4th day of menstraul period and i took next choice the next day 4:30pm which is my 5th day of menstrual period and 12hrs later 4:15am i took the 2nd pill. On dec 1st i got period which is light spotting brown discharge for 5 days. I usually get my period 8days early so my next menstraul period should come on dec 12th 2010. Till now i did'nt get my period
i did 3 home pregnancy test that brand is first response which came negative. I did test on these dates dec 13th,19th,23rd 2010. today is dec 29th 2010. iam really worrying .But i am feeling like i got my period but not bleeding when i go and check in the restroom it is white discharge and my vagina is wet not at all times. Please help me.today is jan 1st still i didn't get my period. I am so much worrying please help.

January 1, 2011 - 5:37pm


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