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I got my period after taking Plan B pills even though I just had my period 3 days before.

By August 12, 2009 - 9:20pm
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My bf and I had unprotected sex right atfer I just ended my period I took plan B pills and the next day I got my period again even though I just had it 3 days earlier. But now I still haven't gotten my period. Is it possible that I'm just late?

Can anyone please help me? I'm thinking I'm just going to get my period really late. Or is it possible that I am pregnant? Answers asap please.

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So... Last month I took plan b 24 hours after a "withdrawal" encounter. I had exaggerated pms symptoms and my period when expected. This month I had an incident where sperm may have been in precum, so I took plan b 2 hours after the incident on day 10 of my cycle. Six days later I started scanty spotting light red/pink and brown that lasted five days. Two days later, I started spotting again for another seven days. Except this time it started scanty and gradually increased to a light period that would soak a tampon, pink/red/dark red/brow/tiny clot. It ended when my period would normally begin if I was on a 28-day cycle but I am unsure if it would still work that way since I took the pill two months in a row. I took a hpt two days after the spotting/bleeding ended, about day 31 if you ignore the abnormal bleeding, that came out negative. I am planning to take another this week. I was just wondering if anyone had a similar experience or had an opinion on my situation. I do know the ecp is not a proper form of birth control, but the damage has been done and I am extremely anxiety ridden over the whole experience.

Advice: you can never take too many hpt. If you had a regular/heavy period after the pill you are most likely not pregnant. The pill only actively affects one particular encounter and you are extremely fertile after taking it. If you were pregnant prior to taking the pill it shouldn't interfere with the pregnancy. Unfortunately, whether you take the ecp, bcp, are pregnant, or have any hormonal imbalance, almost all the side effects are identical. The only positive way o know whether or not you are pregnant is by take a hpt or a blood test to check your hcg levels. You should test at the earliest 14-days after taking plan b, or a week after your missed period (for more accurate results). If you have the slightest inkling that you may still be pregnant, wait a week and re-test. You can never take too many tests. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/home-pregnancy-tests/PR00100

June 3, 2012 - 10:29pm

Hello Anonymous,
An emergency contraceptive is effective in preventing pregnancy if taken within 72 hours or 3 days following unprotected sex.

You took it as recommended and had vaginal bleeding three days later. That being stated, I do not think that you are pregnant. The missed period this month can be the result of taking an emergency contraceptive. Changes in the menstrual cycle is a known side effect of the pill.

I am concerned, as you are, about the symptoms of fatigue, tense abdominal muscles and abdominal pain. Pain that prevents you from exercising and excessive fatigue are symptoms that need to be evaluated by a physician. I suggest that you consult your doctor.


May 29, 2012 - 5:21pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

I had unprotected sex on sat 2nd of june took plan b wednsday morning and I should have gotten my period on the 10th of this month but didnt I took a pregnancy test on the 12th but it was negative..im 4 days late on my period is this happening bc of the pill or can I be pregnant can ypu please help..thank you

June 14, 2012 - 2:21pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, I am 18 years old and last month 10days after my period I had unprotected intercourse with my bf, but after 42hours I took an i-pill, and 3days after taking it I had my period again.
This month I missed my period and I'm having lower abdominal pain,constipation, and sudden cravings for food, I get tired too easily and I feel too heavy to get up from my sleep, and its hard to work out now since it hurts when I try to do exercises for my abs, so I stopped working out for like 2 weeks now, and my lower abdominal part feels harder for some reason...Does this mean that I'm pregnant? I'm really scared and confused and I cant figure out what to do now... please I need suggestion asap, help me with this!!

May 29, 2012 - 2:03pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi i just want to ask what to do because 1 week before my period Which is May 15, i stopped my pills then i gOt bleeding my friend told me its my period already but im afraid coz after my bleeding or period i had sex wih mybf without contraceptive just withdrawal Now im worried that i might get pregnant so i want to ask if i can take pills or any thing to do to have early menstration? Please anybody i need advice coz i dont want to get pregnant and i dont want to wait till next week to know if im delayed. Thanks!

May 28, 2012 - 4:07am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi i just want to ask what to do because 1 week before my period Which is May 15, i stopped my pills then i gOt bleeding my friend told me its my period already but im afraid coz after my bleeding or period i had sex wih mybf without contraceptive just withdrawal Now im worried that i might get pregnant so i want to ask if i can take pills or any thing to do to have early menstration? Please anybody i need advice coz i dont want to get pregnant and i dont want to wait till next week to know if im delayed. Thanks!

May 28, 2012 - 4:00am

That's correct, you are not pregnant.

May 25, 2012 - 4:14pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

IS it normal then that im having another period with a light pink discharge?

May 26, 2012 - 6:09pm

Hello Anonymous,

Changes in your menstrual cycle are a side effect of Plan B. This is the reason you are having spotting.


May 24, 2012 - 6:04pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

so I cant be pregnant right? the spottin is a lighter pink now

May 24, 2012 - 8:32pm
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