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Hi, I am 18 years old and last month 10days after my period I had unprotected intercourse with my bf, but after 42hours I took an i-pill, and 3days after taking it I had my period again.
This month I missed my period and I'm having lower abdominal pain,constipation, and sudden cravings for food, I get tired too easily and I feel too heavy to get up from my sleep, and its hard to work out now since it hurts when I try to do exercises for my abs, so I stopped working out for like 2 weeks now, and my lower abdominal part feels harder for some reason...Does this mean that I'm pregnant? I'm really scared and confused and I cant figure out what to do now... please I need suggestion asap, help me with this!!

May 29, 2012 - 2:03pm


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