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How long does recovery from spinal stenosis surgery take?

By April 12, 2010 - 7:00am
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I may need surgery for cervical and/or lumbar spinal stenosis. How dangerous is this surgery and how long does recovery take. Also what is involved in recovery? Physical therapy, etc.? Will I have to go to a rehabilitation facility after surgery?

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thank you for writing!

Only your surgeon can answer these question to a satisfying extent.

Your surgeon knows the extent and location of the stenosis, what specific procedure will be performed, nerve involvement and prognosis.

Spinal stenosis is narrowing of the spinal column that causes pressure on the spinal cord, or narrowing of the openings wherespinal nerves leave the spinal column.

Surgery is done to relieve pressure on the nerves or spinal cord. The procedure may include removing a bulging disc, removing part of the vertebra bone, or widening the opening where the spinal nerves are located.

Spine surgery will often partly or fully relieve symptoms in your legs or arms. It is hard to predict if you will improve and how much relief surgery will provide.

Physical therapy is likely with strengthening exercises performed and possible heat therapy.

Recovery times vary vastly - several weeks to months.

Please write a list of questions for your surgeon - he can answer best.

Good luck!

September 18, 2017 - 4:22am
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