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how long can it take for a corneal abrasion to heal

By Anonymous August 19, 2010 - 3:48pm
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i woke up one morning about 3 weeks ago with severe eye pain. I went to the local hospital where they patched the eye and had me return the next morning. By then the pain was so severe that they removed the eye patch and prescribed an antibiotic as well as eye drops for pain. I did see an ophthalmologist who told me it would heal on it's own and there would be no vision loss. I saw this same doctor again 3 days later and was then told that I would have some vision loss. It seems to be getting a little bit better every couple of days, and my vision is becoming somewhat clearer. The abrasion is very apparent though. Just wondering if it's possible for this to heal further.

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Anon - Corneal abrasions do heal, but it can take a while. If you have any doubts about your treatment, or your doctor's care, you might want to seek a second opinion.

A study reported on by American Family Physician magazine provided the following data:

Healing time depends on the size of the corneal abrasion. Most abrasions heal in two to three days, while larger abrasions that involve more than one half of the surface area of the cornea may take four to five days.In patients with traumatic corneal abrasions who are treated in ophthalmology offices, 28 percent had recurrent symptoms up to three months after the injury.

You can find the full article here: http://www.aafp.org/afp/2004/0701/p123.html

Hope this helps, and that you feel better, and are seeing more clearly, soon.

August 19, 2010 - 6:00pm
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