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how do I know when pityriasis rosea is healing?

By Anonymous May 21, 2010 - 6:21am
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I was diagnosed with pityriasis rosea almost 6 weeks ago. Apparently it takes 6-8 weeks to disappear, but I keep finding new spots every time I shower, new red spots seem to pop up. The first ones I got seem to keep changing. Does anyone know what these spots are meant to look like before they just disappear?

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(reply to Anonymous)

I also took Sambucal. It's an elderberry extract. I think it would definitely help - it's a great immune system builder. I've been using it for years, whenever I feel like my immune system needs a boost.

February 11, 2015 - 3:00pm
EmpowHER Guest

I have had it for about 6 weeks. It's frustrating because it keeps fading almost to the point of being completely gone then flares up again looking worse each time, it's at a stage where the worst affected areas have flattened and spread like you mentioned, I've been using emollients twice a day to keep it moisturised and I'm going to try dandruff shampoo ASAP. Does this seem like it may be going? I've also heard good things about sunbeds so think I may try that too.

February 7, 2015 - 2:02pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hmm. Have your spots started to peel at all? Also, I would try to avoid stress, heat, and then try to boost my immune system. Different vitamins, teas, a better diet - things like that.

February 7, 2015 - 11:55pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to greenbean12)

I was on steroid tablets for a while and they started to peel after that, but I was told to come off them so it just came back again, I wish I could avoid stress but I have a 16 month old daughter and a partner that's never around! I could certainly try to make a change to my diet, though. Thank u for your reply.

February 8, 2015 - 12:10am
EmpowHER Guest

i have been dignised with pityrisis im dew to go into hospital for a operasion for plastic surgien do you think it will still be ok to go ahead with the operation and sould i tell the hospital about my condishon

January 21, 2015 - 11:49am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

Inform your surgeon that you have this condition. The surgeon will determine if the surgery can be done.


January 26, 2015 - 9:31am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, im not sure if i have this but everything started 3 weeks ago with body aches and then a red spot here and there, by the next 5 days i had them all over my torso inside my legs and on my butt. i don't remember seen a patch. i just hope is pr and psoriasis. They're red bumps with a little pinhead in the middle. please help.

January 20, 2015 - 7:07pm
(reply to Anonymous)

What you have described doesn't seem to match up with traditional PR symptoms. Take a good long look at different pictures in a Google image search for comparison. My PR patches, and from what I can tell, basically everyone else as well, are slightly raised flaky skin. Not much in the way of a "pinhead" as you describe it. That word "pinhead" makes me immediately think of acne. Not that I am a professional or suggest doing this, but have you tried poking and prodding at one? Maybe even popping one? Because if there is ANY puss then I don't see how it could be PR. In the past I have done just that, and with PR, at least in my case, tiny little bits of blood rose to the surface through the pores, not puss. I would imagine this would be the same case for others affected by PR.

Best of luck to you, whatever the case may be, skin diseases are no fun, and here is to hoping it is just acne.

January 21, 2015 - 6:36am

I see time and time again, people saying they're just going to "wait out" PR... Take it from someone that first got it at 17 and is now 27, that it MAY not EVER go away.

Can someone describe to me the state of their patches when they go suntanning? From MY experience they go from being vibrant red, to brownish, then eventually to my traditional skin color. (Which is a bit odd that the patches themselves don't tan, but rather revert to my natural skin color, so i'm left with patches of untanned skin, all be it 10000 times better than vibrant red patches).

I need to get back into a tanning bed myself, had a full blown outbreak a few weeks ago that's just gone wild.

Has anyone found any success with anything other than Tanning Beds?

Lotions/Creams DO NOT work for ME. (Not saying they don't work, but that they do not work for me)

Head and shoulders also has NO change for ME.

Has anyone experimented with "Gluten-Free Diets"? I thought I remember a while back that people were having success with Gluten-Free Diets, and if that is what it would take to get rid of it 100% without having to go tanning ALL the time, than so be it.

Any other voodoo witch doctor, ma-pa's remedies out there?

January 20, 2015 - 6:22pm
(reply to BlazingBlueBert)

I wrote a lengthy comment about what worked for me that was NOT tanning beds - I'm sure you've probably tried a bit of it, but here's a few things:

Cold showers, no getting hot or sweaty (cotton clothes seemed to help with this), about ten minutes a day in the direct sun (I'm extremely pale and didn't want to risk a sunburn on top of the PR), no chemical-based things touching my skin (natural products only), daily vitamins and biotin and immune system boosters, liver detox tea, coconut oil (you can drink it and put it on your skin), natural lotions (to stop the itch), and Dead Sea salt soaps (very soothing on my skin, and apparently the minerals are good for you, too).

I've read comments from others who mentioned gluten-free diets and vegan diets and juicing. I made an effort to eat better, but these diets might help. Have you noticed some kind of trigger that causes the outbreaks? Or are they just sort of random?

January 24, 2015 - 12:05am
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