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(reply to Anonymous)

What you have described doesn't seem to match up with traditional PR symptoms. Take a good long look at different pictures in a Google image search for comparison. My PR patches, and from what I can tell, basically everyone else as well, are slightly raised flaky skin. Not much in the way of a "pinhead" as you describe it. That word "pinhead" makes me immediately think of acne. Not that I am a professional or suggest doing this, but have you tried poking and prodding at one? Maybe even popping one? Because if there is ANY puss then I don't see how it could be PR. In the past I have done just that, and with PR, at least in my case, tiny little bits of blood rose to the surface through the pores, not puss. I would imagine this would be the same case for others affected by PR.

Best of luck to you, whatever the case may be, skin diseases are no fun, and here is to hoping it is just acne.

January 21, 2015 - 6:36am


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