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how to decrease deppression .from hirsutism

By April 30, 2011 - 12:47pm
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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Mouha,

Please visit our page on depression here https://www.empowher.com/search/google?cx=007544384767083790728%3A2otat3sg2a8&cof=FORID%3A9&query=depression&op=GO&form_build_id=form-69cbbf26bad258d3faafae5f58759aea&form_token=5780dd404a04f02a455fc19606524d76&form_id=google_cse_searchbox_form#899.
Have you been to see a physician regarding your depression? Can you provide us more information about your situation so we may be able to help you.


May 1, 2011 - 8:59am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

i am 23 years old. i am single. my weight is 68kg. i lost about 12 kg. i have excessive hair on my face and my body. i see 3 endocrinologist and 2 gynecologist. i have pco. but all my hormones are normal. my doctors say that i have an idiopatic hirsutism. everyday i feel uncomfortable. i cry. i dont know how i will continue my life.i have friends but not a close one. i dont like to go out and build relashionship . always i feel angry. please what can i do

May 2, 2011 - 7:19am
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