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how to bring me boyfriend back

By Anonymous July 18, 2011 - 1:43pm
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Hi. I dated my bf for over two years. We had problem because i was not there for him. I have two jobs, school and still living with my parents. I broke up in january. I was so upset because he did not want sex with me for about 2 months. He was taking medication fro bladder and prostate problems(he is 44 and Im 29) although he did not tell me. We got together for a months, the he complains again i had no time for him.On june we went to a trip. He wanted sex, but i was so upset because he did not wanted before, so i told him we were friends and i wont be having sex with him. He said he though we went on the trip as friends, but i said we were only friends. We came back from vacations, and i was avoiding me.Finally he told me he can not do this anymore, and he wants more. He told me we did not "click" sexually and personalities are different. I know he is having sex with someone else, but i dont think its serious. Should i try to win him back or just move on? I know i love him, and he is a great person which i wanted a future life with.

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The decision is yours. Consider what you have shared. There is a major age difference between you and this man. There seems to be confusion between both of you--are you just friends or is there a romantic attraction?
He told you that your personalities differ and that you are not sexually compatible. You suspect that he is sexually involved with another woman.
You are a young, hard-working woman. I think you deserve better:)

July 18, 2011 - 4:47pm
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