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Help :( ... I can't read his mind?!

By April 11, 2011 - 9:30pm
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All I'd like to know is tips on better communication :)

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Hi Meg11,
Here is a video/article that may provide some insight about how to improve communication with your partner: How to Improve Communication with Your Partner
There are other similar articles with even more great info. Jasminine also had great advice to sit down and talk with him. some suggestions you can take with a grain of salt (don't listen to me if you don't agree). When talking with him, listen to him. Don't feel like you have to fill every silence with talking, it can make things confusing. Try to stay on topic. Don't argue or be concerned with things that happened in the past. Focus on the here and now, and on the future. Focus on what's good in your relationship, and what you love about your partner. Cultivate communication and love in your relationship, don't breed mistrust and disappointment.
Hope it helps!

April 20, 2011 - 6:58am

Hi meg11,

I am not sure if he is not communicating his feelings/thoughts to you as you did not go into very much detail, however I would suggest the following methods:

1. The old fashioned, sit down and talk. Ask him what is on his mind. Most men won't just open up and tell you everything right away, they may never. Depends from man to man. In my opinion there is no harm in asking or inquiring, now is there?

2. Send him e-mails instead. Some men prefer talking about whatever is on their mind or opening up in emails, texts, letters. This may be because they feel less intimidated or less like it is interrogation by expressing themselves in an email.

3. Keep things simple. Men like simplicity. When talking to men, don't talk for hours and hours going down every avenue with every little detail. Men simply lose interest. When for example, you've had a rough day and would like to talk about it, tell him 'I had a rough day today... I would like to talk to you about it'. Men cannot read between the lines as well as women do. They would not know we would like to talk about our day unless we sometimes state it that way.

Keep in mind though, not all men are the same and I am not generalizing at all. Not everyone are the same. By taking the time to get to know the man in your life, you will soon be able to know just the right ways in which to communicate with him and how to get through to him. Everything comes with time.

Good luck with everything!

April 19, 2011 - 10:10am

Women have been going through the same struggles, and have shared their insight and lessons learned. Men have also shared why they did not want to have sex in their strained relationships. Please let us know what “words of wisdom” or “tips” resonate with you from the following articles:

Helpful Relationship and Sex Articles:

April 12, 2011 - 6:43am
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