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has anyone found a way to not grind in their sleep? cause i keep straining my TMJ muscle

By Anonymous May 23, 2009 - 3:21am
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i am a teeth grinder in my sleep and i recently pulled my TMJ muscle (which is basically your jaw muscle). it is very painful and i would like to avoid it in the future, but can't figure out how!!!

any help or theories would be very very appreciated.


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Hi! I see a fabulous doctor in Virginia (about 4 hours from me) who is treating me for this issue. I have a retainer that I wear during the day and at night that really helps. I have also received laser therapy for my TMJ issues just recently and have heard fabulous things about it from other patients. I don't know where you live, but if you would like the name of my doc please let me know--he's AMAZING!!

June 2, 2011 - 5:32am
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