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Can I get Giardia from possibly kissing someone that has it????? like Salvia or just contaminated places via fecal????? Thank you
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Okay thank you last question is it possible to see it in stool. Not to gross you out but after a BM I noticed something in stool that look similar too giardia cysts
May 30, 2013 - 6:07pmThis Comment
Metronidazole will cure it, if you have the following symptoms:
· Diarrhea--90%; chronic, sporradic may continue for months
· Acute syndrome: Small number develop abrupt onset of explosive watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, foul flatus, vomiting, fever, and malaise; these symptoms last 3-4 days before transition into the more common subacute syndrome.
· Malodorous, mushy, greasy stools. Watery diarrhea may alternate with soft stools or constipation.
· Upper GI symptoms: abdominal and midabdominal cramps, nausea, early satiety, bloating, substernal bloating, acid ingdigestion
· Abdominal cramps, bloating, flatulence--75%
· Constitutional symptoms
o Anorexia
o Malaise, weakness, fatigue
o Weight loss (10-15 lbs in adult, in appx 66% of symptomatic patients)
· Various neurologic symptoms (eg, irritability, sleep disorder, mental depression, neuroasthenia)
· Extraintestinal manifestations are allergic manifestations, rare:
o urticaria, erythema multiforme, bronchospasm, reactive arthritis, and biliary tract disease.
These will become apparent over time. Giadiosis' clinical manifestations is influenced by numerous factors, including the parasite load, virulence of the isolate, and the host immune response. Recommend that you get tested.
May 29, 2013 - 12:09pmThis Comment
Okay thank you are there any herbs or food that could help kill them? I have been drinking garlic juice mixed with apple cider vinegar
May 28, 2013 - 4:24pmThis Comment