I had radiation and lumpectomy for IDC a year ago. My follow up visits and blood work have been clear. A few weeks after a 3D mammogram that was clear with no density I noticed the nipple in that breast flattened. I am scheduled for an MRI. Dr felt no mass during exam and said there was some tissue deficiency. I am so scared and so confused. How could this happen. Radiation was supposed to kill the microscopic tumors and 3D mammograms are supposed to catch abnormalities. I am just sick about this.
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Hello. Thank you for posting.
I know it's easy to say, but try not to think the worst. From your information, your doctor is being thorough in doing the CT scan. Nothing thus far has been found (such as a mass or tumor) and might not be. Keep us updated.
October 29, 2017 - 3:04pmThis Comment