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Every since I been on blood pressure pills for high blood pressure, I have been dizzy, muscle weak and cannot think or focus right, whats the promblem?

By Anonymous August 5, 2014 - 7:17pm
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Hello Anonymous,

Thank you for reaching out to us with your concerns. These symptoms must be alarming and stressful.

What are the names of the blood pressure pills? How long have you been taking these medications? Is your blood pressure under control? Have you told your doctor that you are having these symptoms? Does your doctor think it might be a side effects of the drugs?

Anonymous, diuretics are high blood pressure medications that flush extra water and sodium (salt) from your body. Weakness is one side effect of these pills.

Calcium channel blockers are high blood pressure pills which keep calcium from entering heart muscle and blood vessel cells. Blood vessels can then relax. Dizziness is one side effect of this drug.

Alpha-blockers, which reduce nerve impulses to blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily, can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, or weakness when standing up suddenly or getting up in the morning (from reduced blood pressure).

This is general information. Your physician is your best resource for answering your questions regarding your medication and symptoms.


August 6, 2014 - 9:03am
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