Thank you for your reply and I am bit confused now with my blood results which came last month.
Serum sodium 142. Range 135 - 145
Aldosterone 28. Range 17.5 - 97
Potassium 3.82. Range 3.5 - 5.3
Calcium 10.5 range 8.5 - 10.5
Renin 12.3. Range 1.7 - 23.7
Cortisol fasting: 25 range5 to 22
Cortisol without fast pm. 393 range 64 - 327
Estrogen 87 range 46 - 607
Testosterone 1.23 range 0.45- 3.17
Dhea-s 4.36 range 0.95 - 11.67
Progesterone 0.63 range 0.1 - 0.54
I am on 800 kcal diet with water in is 2 cups per day. My body temp is always low in morning 95.5 F and during day it's max 96 to 96.5 . I read about Wilson syndrome but my doctor refused to give me any T3 because all my thyroid test is in normal range.
I personally think that hyper adrenal is my problem even though my kcal intake is 800 diet a day from long time.
My potassium intake is 800 to 900 these days because more I cannot tolerate. Before it used to be 500 a day since I get sweaty hands but now that problem is solved since my adrenals are bit strong.
I am not taking any calcium support for long time since I have calcium deposit in my bones. My bone density T score is + 2.5 which is very high.
My PTH hormone score is 1.45 range 1.6 - 6.9 & Cal 10.5 range 8.5- 10.5.
These days I have turbinate swelling problem and my ESR is 40. I am looking forward for any suggestions and any clue with these health issue since my Dr said everything is fine with me.
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Hi Nina2012,
Your blood test results seem normal for the most part, even the ones which are slightly off range are really not that high/low. I am not a doctor, so I'm just telling you the facts from what you are providing us with.
I think your concerns involved your ESR and turbinate swelling-- but, again, we are not doctor's so we cannot diagnose you but I can give you some insight on both of your concerns. An elevated ESR will usually help diagnose a specific condition. However, you have to have other symptoms that are specific to a condition for your doctor to diagnose you-- If all you have is an elevated ESR, then he will not diagnose you with anything. An elevated ESR will usually help diagnose: multiple myeloma, temporal arteritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, various auto-immune diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic kidney diseases.
In regard to your swollen turbinates, most of the time, enlarged inferior turbinates are the result of allergies, irritating environmental exposure (such as cigarette or cigar smoke), or some minor, persistent inflammation within the sinuses. In addition, the aging process can cause the turbinates to thicken gradually, which narrows your nasal air passages.
I hope this helps understand some of your results,
August 12, 2011 - 8:08amThis Comment