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Ectopic Pregnancy....on progesterone in oil

By Anonymous July 9, 2012 - 4:51pm
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I had an IVF. The transfer was on 6/18/12...three days after retrieval. I've been taking shots of progesterone in oil. I've had three betas 6/29 (95); 7/2 (465) and 7/9 (5,096). Today (7/9) I also had an ultrasound but the doctor could not find anything. He suspects an ectopic. I'm about 5 1/2 weeks pregnant, I think. He wants me to come back in two days and repeat the vag. ultrasound and bloodwork.

I've been doing some reading and it seems that ectopic pregnancy is usually accompanied by cramps which might be mild or worse (which I dont' have); interment or heavy bleeding (which I don't have); dizziness (which I don't have), as well as a bunch of other symptoms which I also don't have.

My question is, could the progesterone in oil be sustaining my pregnancy which is why I'm not bleeding. Or with an ectopic pregnancy, will I bleed no matter what.

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Hello Anonymous,

Your fertility specialist is your best resource to answer this question.
I am not familar with the specifics of invitro fertilization nor the use of progesterone oil.

According to Drugs.com, Progesterone Oil is a progestin hormone. It works by restoring a normal balance progesterone. This helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and to stop abnormal uterine bleeding that occurs when the body does not make enough progesterone on its own.

The classic signs of an ectopic pregnancy include abdominal pain, the absence of menstrual periods and intermittent bleeding or vaginal bleeding.

A repeat vaginal ultrasound and blood testing is the best way to determine what is going on.

Best wishes,


July 9, 2012 - 5:06pm
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