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Does Sex Hurt

By Anonymous June 16, 2011 - 5:16pm
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My boyfriend and I have recently been thinking about having sex for the first time. I am a virgin but he is not. When we were discussing it the other day, he told me about his first time. That the girl was bleeding alot and she was screaming. And I want to have sex with him I really do, but I'm very scared about the pain. So scared that it makes me change my mind about ever having sex. Is it really that bad? Will it really hurt as bad as I think it will? And will i really bleed alot?

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Every woman is different. The experience his ex had to me seems very extreme. And like Rosa said it should be uncomfortable not extremely painful.

June 17, 2011 - 11:56am

Hi Anon,

Every woman's first experience is different, whether you bleed a lot, a little, or not at all doesn't mean one will be more painful than the other. Your first sexual encounter will be perceived differently by eavh person--However, it should not be unbearably painful...I would describe it as uncomfortable. If you are sure that your boyfriend is the person that you want to give up your virginity to, then the discomfort will go away soon after that first time.

All the best,


June 17, 2011 - 7:39am
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