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Do I really need different sunscreens for my body and face?

By June 15, 2020 - 3:02pm
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Do I really need different sunscreens for my face and body?

I always see sunscreens marketed as "for body" or "for face" ... is there a difference between these and if so what? Or is it just a marketing gimmick?

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HERWriter Guide

Hello JennM

Thank you for writing!

Sunscreen is used to help prevent the skin from burning, from acquiring skin cancer, and to limit the accelerated aging that the sun causes.

There is actually a difference between sunscreen for the face and the body. Sunscreen from the body tends to contain more alcohol and is often in the popular quick-dry spray form (which is helped by the alcohol). There are also fewer skin care qualities like moisturizer. They work well and tend to be less expensive.

Screen for the face is often in cream form and with less alcohol so kinder to the skin. There may also be anti-aging ingredients like antioxidants, green tea and ceramides. They are often non-greasy and don't clog pores. Sunscreen for the face should also be used on the neck and chest/decolletage area. These can be more expensive.

It's really important to use a good moisturiser when using sunscreen on the body.

I hope this information helps.


June 15, 2020 - 4:00pm
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