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could it be cushings

By Anonymous January 31, 2011 - 12:45pm
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Hi im 39 years old and have been suffering for the last 8 years with fatigue,hair loss,excessive weight gain ,flushing of my face , and now my fatigue is getting worse to a point of exahustion and muscle weakness to extreme i am not able to do every day tasks i have the hump between my shouldres .. i have had my thyroid checked and they say it is normal.. How would i approach my doctor to check for cushings help falling apart ..

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thank you for responding, my health is to important, i have to fight it is just hard is all.

February 1, 2011 - 11:31am
(reply to springfever1971)

I DO KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL. Sometimes I had to just lie on the couch even though I was awake. I felt like my problems were so severe and so mixed together that there wasn't even a tiny crack where I could start chipping away at them. THIS IS CUSHINGS because of your "buffalo hump", round shape, and fatigue. My son said "you've been sick my whole life." GET THE MONEY SOMEHOW AND GET TO A GOOD ENDOCRINOLOGIST. Borrow it or sell something. In 2 years you will be able to pay it back. PLEASE do this now. Most doctors have only read about cushings in books. My doctor said I would have died in 3 years.

February 1, 2011 - 5:47pm
EmpowHER Guest

I HAVE HAD CUSHING'S. GET CHECKED IMMEDIATELY BY A GOOD ENDOCRINOLOGIST. Most doctors have never even seen a case of Cushing's. I went to many highly trained doctors - NOT ONE recognized the symptoms and I nearly died. It can be treated! You can feel better! It is long and hard however. Please go to the best endocrinologist you can find as fast as you can. Pay cash if you have to (I did). It beats dying.

February 1, 2011 - 12:58am
EmpowHER Guest

Thank you i was just very discuraged is all and just plain tired. I talked to my doctor and i feel alone i don't think she understands how my life is really affected, my daughter just the other day said mom you are always tired and that's just not me, doing things like dishes and just everyday things wear me out beyond normal tiredness,i do have a lot more symptoms i just did not want to go into great detail so many to list. Weight gain of the upper body and trunk
Face shaped like a moon , Purple stretch marks
Easy bruising , Menstrual disorders, especially infrequent or absent periods, High blood pressure , Water retention or swelling, borderline diabetes , Low back pain , mood swings, cortisol a lot of belly is where most of my weight is the rest of me is little except for a very large neck.. I thank you for your advice and give it one more shot with my doctor it's just hard to get the medical advice given my insurance is limited and feeling there is no hope of ever feeling better and getting worse i am still young to feel very old thank you take care .

January 31, 2011 - 8:45pm
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