I have a fracture of the tibia caused by a gun shot injury and after surgery(bone/skin grafting),the skin grafting failed after 12 months of surgery. I went to see my Doctor and he advised that I run some tests including a CT scan and I was told later that I had a chronic osteomylitis and that I need surgery. The doctor took the step of debriding some part of the affected bones and placed me on antibiotics(IV and oral) for several weeks while the wound is dressed at interval.
It is now 3 months i've been undergoing treatment and the infection level has been brough down from 130 to 50 and a little portion of wound left and the doctor told me that he may need to do another skin grafting to cover the wound and also informed me there are chances the infection may re-occur. Please I want to know if there's anything possible I can do to prevent the infection from re-occuring cos i've spent a lot of money,gone through pains and will want a permanent cure.
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Hello and thank you for choosing EmpowHer
There are many things you can do at home to prevent infection and improve osteomyelitis. However, before you use any of these treatments you need to ask your doctor if it will interfere with any medication you are already taking.
The most important thing you can do is take vitamins!
-Vitamin C (250 to 500 mg, 2 times a day). Lower dose if diarrhea develops
-Vitamin E (400 to 800 IU per day).
-Vitamin A (10,000 IU per day).
Next you should take
-Probiotics -- Acidophilus and bifidobacteria (1 to 3 capsules per day, or 1 to 5 million organisms per day) they will strengthen your immune system in order to prevent infection.
Other antibacterial remedies that are easily accessible include:
-organic honey: kills bacteria, use topically
-chamomile tea: buy organic if possible, oral
-aloe vera: use from plant, use topically
-organic tea tree oil: kills bacteria, a little goes a long way. Use topically
Let us know if you have any more questions.
September 13, 2015 - 8:57pmFaith
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Thank you so much for your advise. I want you let you know that currently am on some medications and will be for about two more weeks.
I want to know if I can go on with your recommendations once am done with the one's prescribed by my doctor cause am actually looking for steps I can take each day in my life to avoid the infection from re-occuring.
There are some things I don't understand too like IU. ,Probiotics and topically,what do they mean?
Can you also explain to me how to use Aloe Vera from plant and also how to get organic tea tree oil
September 13, 2015 - 10:05pmThis Comment
September 13, 2015 - 10:51pmThe best part about natural, holistic remedies is that they are cheap, easy to find and easy to use.
Topically means, apply it on the skin, as opposed to orally which means you eat/drink it. Probiotics can be found it any drug store in the vitamin section. The pill bottle with say "Probiotics"
IU means international units. Its simply another type of measurement. In any case, the bottle will tell you a recommended daily intake, so you don't need to worry about knowing what IU means in particular.
Aloe Vera plants are succulents. The larger the thorns, the better the plant. You can buy an aloe plant at any herbal shop and even some drug stores. To apply it, trim off a small bit of the leaf. Cut off the thorns. Then pull open the leaf to expose the jelly interior. Then rub it onto the wound. It soothes, cools, and prevents infection.
Organic tea tree oil is sold in tinctures at Whole Foods, drug stores, or herbal shops. Put a few drops on a cotton ball and dab it on the wound. It can sting, but if it burns, you need to dilute it with water.
This Comment
Thanks a lot for your swift response. Am about to undergo skin grafting in few days to cover the wound. Do I continue with this measure like you advised? Note that am just trying to avoid re-occurence after the skin grafting.
September 13, 2015 - 11:16pmThis Comment
All of these treatments can be used at any time, as long as it does not interfere with your medications. Also there is never a time when using these treatments would be bad for you. For example, tea tree oil and aloe are always good for your skin in any condition. It just so happens that they are also good for preventing infection.
September 13, 2015 - 11:37pmFaith
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Thanks a lot for your swift response. Am about to undergo skin grafting in few days to cover the wound. Do I continue with this measure like you advised? Note that am just trying to avoid re-occurence after the skin grafting.
September 13, 2015 - 11:16pmThis Comment