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Can you get pregnant without the man ejaculating?

By July 21, 2009 - 12:51pm
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I'm very young and i have not ever had intercourse but my boyfriend rubbed his penis on my clit up and down but did not put it in my hole. He did not wear any protection and neither did he come and his penis was dry but is there any way that i can get pregnant?


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EmpowHER Guest

Is it normal for a 22 year old to all of a sudden have a late period? I have heard that hormones can change all of a sudden. I think I skipped a month when I was like 17, but I have not since. This year mine has been kind of crazy and this month, April, I have not gotten it yet. I started around the 3rd last month and it's April 9th. Is that extremely late or should I just relax and expect it to come soon? Me and my boyfriend have never had sex. The only thing we have done is rub on eachother but he has never put his penis inside me or ejaculated in me. I am just kind of worried :( hopefully someone has been through this before and can give me positive news!

April 9, 2011 - 9:43am
EmpowHER Guest

I am stressing out so bad!! Ok so last weekend me and m boyfriend were messing around and I had on a thong and he had on nothing. He was rubbing up and down on my vagina, but he never put it inside me or directly on it. I am not like 5 days late for my period. It was messed up last month also, but it came around the 3rd. It is now April 8th and I am having just some mild cramps. My boobs or anything are not sore. I just really want my period to be here! :( he never went inside me so I don't know how anything could have happened. I am scared and I just want it to come.

April 8, 2011 - 9:38am
EmpowHER Guest

hi... me and my boyfriend were fooling around and he was rubbing his penis up and down my vagina... it didn't go in but he said there might have been some 'pre-cum'... I'm experiencing stomache cramps and it has been close to a week and my period should be next week... I'm stressing out like crazy... could I be pregnant ?

April 7, 2011 - 6:02pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon,

As Alison mentioned in a previous post, "pre-cum" may contain sperm. However, there is a very minimal chance of pregnancy if your boyfriend did not go in your vagina. Wait for your period next week and if it is late, then test for pregnancy. But the stomach cramps may be due to something else or the stress of not knowing whether or not you may be pregnant.

Best Wishes!

April 8, 2011 - 4:20am
EmpowHER Guest

me and my bf rubbed the penis on my vagina and put it in a wee bit... and i am really worried coz i am quite young but i know it was very stupid and i have not had my period and i am always tired and i have really bad mood swings? can i be pregnant? :( please help !!!!!

April 5, 2011 - 8:06am
(reply to Anonymous)

If your boyfriend did not ejaculate, there would be almost no risk of pregnancy. (The small chance of pregnancy is from the fluid that comes out of a man's penis the moment it becomes erect, called pre-ejaculatory fluid or "pre-cum". By itself, most experts say it does not contain sperm, but there are circumstances where it could contain sperm). Please know that "pre-cum" is a few small drops of liquid that is on the tip of a man's penis when it becomes erect. If he has more fluid that comes out when he gets excited...that is actual ejaculatory fluid and DOES contain sperm.

If your boyfriend is putting his penis inside your vagina without using a condom, this is called "withdrawal method" of sex and is not an effective form of birth control. (The man withdraws his penis before ejaculating). Please make sure your boyfriend is wearing a condom BEFORE his erect penis touches your genitals, even if you two do not want to have sex.

If your period is late, you can take a home pregnancy test, but it is unlikely that you are pregnant from your description.

April 5, 2011 - 8:52am
EmpowHER Guest

Thanks for your answer. It was silly and stupid of us -- we both know better than to get close in that way without protection. Going to buy condoms TODAY, to have around just in case.

April 1, 2011 - 8:27am
EmpowHER Guest

Hello. Yesterday evening my boyfriend and I were cuddling and things got a bit heated. He was behind me and he placed his penis near the hole of my vagina. I didn't feel much because I have lots of hair there. He definitely did not enter, just placed it outside of the hole. He was erect, but hadn't been masturbating or anything like that. It didn't feel wet. He wasn't even really "rubbing" it against me, just placed it there, applying slight pressure for like 30-45 seconds. There isn't much risk of pregnancy, huh?

March 31, 2011 - 10:05pm
(reply to Anonymous)

You are right-- based on your description there isn't a chance for pregnancy. Be careful, though-- sometimes things start that way and will end up in sex or in other sexual acts so make sure to use protection if you will be participating in sexual behavior.

Best Wishes!

April 1, 2011 - 5:35am
EmpowHER Guest

thanks for all your help! i just wish there was something that would help make me less stressed! im really nervous to see if my period comes or not though! ive definitally learned mylesson and will never ever make a mistake like this again! thanks for all your help, God bless(:

March 30, 2011 - 2:53pm
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