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can i still concieve not sure

By Anonymous May 7, 2010 - 5:51am
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Hi its me again i had another bloods done will post results later today had this done on day 3 of my cycle please dont let it come back bad some said to me your fsh goes up high when in mid cycle and this is normal not sure whats the differance between pre-menopuasal and perimenopausal is ther still a chance i can concieve at any one of these stages my fertility clinic aint really moving that fast i might not have much time left so wish they would hurry up and get this sorted aint got app for another month ,,,, would clomid help me concieve ? if perimenopau;sa im still getting normal periods for last three months but thay did go bit funny few months ago for bout three months then back to normal again... got results last year my fsh was 9

this year had 3missed periods now thery are back to normal had more bloods done resukts below can someone who no help me please ty .

LH- 11.6
follicular phase 1.2-8.6
luteal phase 1.2-12.9
mid cycle 19.2-103.0
menopausal 10.9-113.6

follicular phase 3.8-8.8
luteal phase 1.7-5.2
mid cycle 4.5-22.5
menopausal 16.1-113.6

oestradol <73
mid follicular phase 88-418
ovulatory peak 228-1960 dont no what oestradol is also my hair is falling out but my iron is low its 9 and should be 30 am now on iron to get it back to normal
any comments very welcomed if anybody fully understands these results i dont have a clue and time is running out im 39 please hlep

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Hi Anonymous

Who ran this blood work for you? That is the health care provider you should be discussing the results with. Lab results do not tell the entire story. In health care we have a saying: Treat the patient, not the tests.

Your body and history and situation have everything to do with fertility, and the lab work is only part of the story. Your provider who is running these labs should be sitting down with you to explain them. If you are not comfortable with this person or he is not taking the time to sit with you and explain everything, you may need to find another provider.

If you want to have a child and you are concerned about whether you are able to do so, perhaps you should see a fertility specialist with a good bedside manner who will go over everything with you in the detail that you need.

We have fertility and infertility information here on the site: https://www.empowher.com/condition/infertility-fertility, but we cannot give medical advice or diagnoses and I would be cautious about having your labs interpreted by anyone who is not familiar with your medical history. You could be steered in the wrong direction that way.

Please contact your provider and ask for a full explanation and stick with it until you understand. If you do not have that type of relationship with your provider, I suggest you find a new one.

Good luck to you.

May 8, 2010 - 10:19am
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