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By November 3, 2009 - 6:57pm
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It was oct. 18, 2009 when my bf and I decided to have sex, a week after my period. We did it twice, one in the afternoon and again at night. Neither of both times did he finish inside me. The fisrt time he finish and all felt on his stomach and then he cleaned it up with his boxers kuz dere was nothing close for him to clean it up with(we were inside his car on some apartments parking lots). The second time he just finish outside in the ground because again we were inside his car but over in the dark so nobody could really see us. Now a week passed and i missed my period. I also been feeling like i jst wunna sleep all day, my breast are tender, and i been going to the bathroom more den usual. Not only daht but i've been cramping like if im gonna get my period but nothing happens. Its now nov.3 and still my period hasnt come. Is it because im kindah stressing out kuz im thinking i may bepregnant or is it because im actually pregnant?. idk wat to do. I thought about getting a home pregnancy test but i cant get it myself and plus my mom would kill me if she finds me with one on the hand. please any advice!!!

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Dear I lubb yuh,

Thanks for your post. Unfortunately, unprotected sex at any time whether it be one week before, after, or even during your period can lead to pregnancy. Even if your boyfriend does not ejaculate inside of you, there is something called pre-ejaculation which may occur without either of you noticing.

At this point your best bet is to ask your boyfriend to get you a pregnancy test and discard it somewhere where your mother won't see it. Of course, if you are pregnant you may want to consider telling her anyway. Missed period, breast tenderness, frequent urination, and fatigue are all very common symptoms of pregnancy so I would recommend testing right away for the proper care.

Good luck. Please keep in mind that a condom does not only prevent pregnancy but is also the only form of protection that can help prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

November 4, 2009 - 6:46am
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