My doctor just told me valium could actual cause fecal incontinence and yet I've been on it for years. Very low dose. 2mg for my bowel issues. In the past several years I've been having fecal incontinence issues and NO one ever told me it could be from the Valium. Ugh! I am so angry and upset. I've been put through every test .. Which are no fun at all. Embarrassing to say the least on all fronts. Not to mention how awful the incontinence issue is and now to be told this??? Can you tell me whether this is true and how long will it take for me to get back to normal? Will it reverse itself totally? Thank you for your help!
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I’m still dealing with the problem, and I’m the one who posted originally. It’s awful when no one tells you these things. The other interesting thing I’ve learned is having large babies can cause you to have fecal inconvenience between 25 and 30 years later. Of course, I had natural childbirth at 26 and am now 58. My daughter weighed 9lbs 6oz. Ouch! 2 episiotomies later and then tearing all the way back, has lead me to where I am today. Fecal inconvenience worse, but now I know why. The problem is there’s nothing they can do for it. There’s no surgery or procedure that works. Don’t let anyone tell you there is either! It’s just embarrassing and humiliating to face this in my 50’s.
September 6, 2018 - 12:42pmThis Comment
yeah me too they put me on 10 mg for only a month and i have the problem of not pooping after taken off
September 6, 2018 - 9:23amThis Comment
yep the doctors did it to me too it sucks and they even gave me what i think is psychosis runined my family and i have 5 grandchildren one daughter and a husband that i think he helped do this isn't that messsed up cant sit still cant poop cant sleep and everyone thinks its funny the professional people yeah they aslo had me of 10 mg of norco thyroid pills i am sure i didnt need along with a beta blocker, xanax among ot her stuff i a m miserable with no help
September 6, 2018 - 9:21amThis Comment
Has your incontinance issue gotten any better? I’m on Valium 10 every night and just had this issue for first time but on multiple Rx including new Xanax but it’s to be discontinued for other reasons. Please reply if you can be of any help. Thanks
February 12, 2019 - 2:21pmD
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I thought fiber would cause an increase in bowel movement. I am on rather high diazepam doses to wean off another medication and am also weaning off the diazepam but the liquid fecal incontenence caught me off guard. I had no clue and hope it ends when the medication is out of my system. Do you wear anything special besides a regular incontenence pad? Thank you.
September 29, 2017 - 12:46amThis Comment
Thank you so much ... this is so helpful. No wonder i'm having bladder incontinence as well as fecal incontinence. Who would have thought all of these side effects i'm having are from 2mg of valium. I am so happy I asked this question. I will bulk up on my fiber as well and try to control my bowel movements. I do know I have a big baby as well as was told that becomes a problem after about 25 to 30 years after child birth. I tore all the way back to my rectum after having multiple episiotomies.
July 20, 2014 - 12:48pmWow!! EmpowHER is my new go to place for health info.
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Hi Anon,
Thank you for sharing your question on EmpowHER! I'm sorry you've been having to deal with fecal incontinence issues for the past few years and are just now being told it may be from Valium.
I researched the connection between Valium and fecal incontinence and hope it will help you with your recent issues. According to the National Association for Continence, Valium has been connected to both urinary and fecal incontinence. Since Valium is used as a sedative or muscle relaxant, it can sometimes interfere with bladder and lower abdominal muscles. Although Valium is prescribed for health concerns outside the bladder system, it can affect bladder and fecal control because it relaxes muscles.
Diarrhea is a side effect of Valium, and diarrhea can also cause fecal incontinence. According to Mayo Clinic, some other causes of fecal incontinence include muscles damage to the end of the rectum (can happen from childbirth), nerve damage, constipation, and hemorrhoids surgery and other surgeries involving the rectum or anus.
I didn't see very much research on the internet that talks about how long fecal incontinence will last while taking Valium or if it will reverse itself totally while still taking the medication. Talk to the doctor that prescribes your Valium and ask them if fecal incontinence will eventually stop while you are on Valium.
In the meantime, try adding more fiber to your diet. High-fiber foods can help bulk up your stool and help with fecal incontinence in some instances. Also talk to your doctor about bowel training. According to Mayo Clinic, bowel training involves making a conscious effort to have a bowel movement at a specific time each day. For example, trying to have a bowel movement after eating every day can help you gain greater control and regularity.
I hope this helped provide some more information about the connection between fecal incontinence and Valium. Please keep me updated and let me know what you hear back from your doctor.
July 20, 2014 - 11:49amThis Comment