I got sick the other night and was violently throwing up and had sharp pains in my abdomen. I went to the ER and they ran a bunch of tests. They found that I had an ovarian cyst that had ruptured. They sent me home with a prescription for with zofran and oxycodone. They had already given me zofran & dilaudid through an IV. After taking a nap I woke up and went to go to the bathroom and noticed I had pooped my pants while sleeping. It scared me but thought it could just be a one-time thing, however it happened again last night when I was sleeping. It has now happened twice and only happens in my sleep. Could this be a side effect of those medications or a symptoms of the cyst?
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Hello, Anon!
Thank you for your message.
I had the same thing happen 5 years ago (ruptured ovarian cyst!) It was very scarey to feel that ill! We can't say for sure, but if you have had no prior incontinence up until this incident, it might be a combination of the rupture and the medications. Usually, the ER doctor will suggest following up with your regular doctor so I would do that, especially if this should happen again tonight. Even if it does not happen again, mention this to your doctor.
I hope you feel better soon.
September 22, 2019 - 1:38pmThis Comment