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Am I still protected if this happens...

By Anonymous September 6, 2014 - 11:22pm
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Hi, I'm on levora pill for almost 4 months now and I never had a problem with it till now.
Last August 16, I took my pill (my saturday sched pill) at 9 in the evening (my usual time) and at around 11, I threw up. I did some research and found out that it is considered a "missed pill". So, the next morning I decided to take a pill (which is the sunday sched pill on the 3rd week of the pack) to fill up the considered "missed pill" when I threw up. Later that night, at 9 PM, I started a new pack and took another pill (the 1st sunday pill from the new pack) and threw the rest of the pill from my last pack (it contains 6 active pills and placebo pills). I didn't skip any pill but it seems like I lack of 1 week of active pills and skipped my period because I started the new pill a week before my supposed to be period.

Now, I'm expecting my period this week, my question is, am still protected on my period week after what I did? I know it's kind of complicated but I hope you got the whole thing. Just let me know if you want to clarify some details and I'll be waiting for an answer. Thank you! :)

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Hi Anon,

Thank you for reaching out with your question to the EmpowHER community!

You are correct that if you threw up 1-2 hours after taking your pill, it may be less effective. It is still very possible that it can work fine, but it may not work as well after throwing up.

Based on what you did by doubling up on your pills, then skipping to the next pack, I would say you are protected again. Your menstrual cycle may seem a little different than usual, but that's just because you skipped the last few pills by jumping ahead.

If you plan on having sex, it might be a good idea to use a backup birth control like a condom, just to play it safe. But once your period begins this week, you should be back on track once you continue taking your pills on regular schedule.

I hope this helped! Please let me know if you have any other questions.


September 7, 2014 - 9:45pm
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