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am i pregnant?

By Anonymous August 1, 2009 - 11:07pm
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me an my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex an my period was 1 day short of being a week late, it came yesterday but im still not sure because i heard you can still have a perio an be pregnant. the only cramp im having are normal with my period. my stomach feels a little werid but i dont know if its really feeling werid or if its all in my head..he did pull out but i know you can even get pregnant from pre cum. my eating habbits havent changed, i have been drinking alot though like getting wasted so that could also be my stomach issue..am i pregnant?

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I relate as well. Been having unprotected sex and only had a 2 day period that was normal with just red blood when usually it's heavy flow and on the 4th day i had brown when I wiped is that implantation bleeding I've token two pregnacy test and both negative should I keep on trying??

October 10, 2014 - 8:35pm
EmpowHER Guest

i don't think you're preggo, but if you think so get a test. also it' would be VERY smart to use a condom since that's the easiest way to get preggo. trust me i had a scare last month.

August 2, 2009 - 3:48pm

Menstrual bleeding means you do not have a viable pregnancy.

Yes, some women may bleed during pregnancy, but this is not the norm, and would need to be checked by a doctor. Women who bleed during pregnancy do not describe it as a regular period; it is more akin to spotting.

August 2, 2009 - 9:04am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,

Thank you for your question. The answer to pre-cum question is yes, you can get pregnant from pre-cum. Also, anytime you have unprotected sex, there is the chance of getting pregnant. There is also the chance of having a period and still being pregnant.

If you are concerned, you can pick up a dollar pregnancy test from your local Dollar Store and that will settle your nerves. Most pregnancy tests are 99% accurate. You could probably rest assured that the test will be correct.

Your appetite and things that are concerning you may just be a nervous reaction to the thought of pregnancy. I am assuming you are not trying to get pregnant. Our bodies are sometimes very weird when it comes to stress and stress can cause many different side effects including: missed periods, awkward stomach feelings, eating different foods, etc.

I hope this helps. Please keep us updated.

August 2, 2009 - 9:01am
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