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Hi,Esther this year 2018 i have cml ,so iam frustrated a lot,i cant controll my tears,im 30 yrs old female unmarried,i dont know about myfuture,how long it will go,march last i diagnosed cml, i took imatinib for 2 months ,now count is normal,but im worrying about my future......india
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Hello Anonymous and thank you for writing. As it turns out I understand your question and concerns better than most people as I, too, have CML, or Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, a cancer of the blood. I was diagnosed in 2009.
Where are you getting information about CML? Much of what is on the Internet is out of date but your physician should have the most current information.
Since 2001, with the introduction of targeted therapies, CML has gone from being a disease which took the lives of most people who were diagnosed within a few years to something very different today - The majority of those diagnosed with CML will live WITH the disease for the rest of their lives and die from something else. Today there are more treatments available than ever before and some one million people around the world are living with CML. You have every reason to be hopeful for a very long life. If you want to have children one day you can work with your doctors to develop a plan to carefully temporarily stop taking your medicine and most likely having a different type of treatment while off the medicine, and then going back on it after your baby is born. I know many women who have done this and have happy, healthy children of all ages - babies, toddlers, teenagers, young adults.
Over the years I have met many others with CML, people who have lived with CML for 10, 20 and 30 years. I believe you are in India? I have worked with a wonderful patient advocate who is the country head in India for the Max Foundation. They provide a lot of support services and I strongly suggest you look them up and get in touch and find out if they can connect you with other CML patients.
For anyone reading this from another country the same advice applies - look for a leukemia or blood cancer support organization that can help you better understand how to live well with CML and enjoy your life.
In the US and Canada I strong encourage CML patients to call the Information Resource Center of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society .
A cancer diagnosis is never easy. It can become harder if you don't have accurate and current information. Knowledge truly is power and becoming grounded through good information, support groups and connecting with fellow patients can make a world of difference in learning to accept the diagnosis and do everything possible to live well and live a good, long life. I wish the very best for you, anonymous, and hope you start feeling better very soon. Pat
June 7, 2018 - 2:51pmThis Comment