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(reply to Anonymous)

That does sound unbearable, I am so sorry! The thought of all of this PLUS a third-trimester pregnancy. ugh. Pregnancy is difficult enough on the bladder without IC. IC is difficult enough without pregnancy.

It sounds like you did find your answer to your original question, however. A catheter would help with taking away the urgency/frequency symptoms, but would not take away the pain and there is a chance of infection. It sounds like this Urologist (who you refer to as a consultant, right?) considers the possible "pros" do not outweigh the possible "cons".

You still have a few options:
1. Seek a second opinion through another Urologist who will help you with a catheter on a trial basis
2. Find a Naturopathic doctor who may have other suggestions to help alleviate some symptoms (Diane gave you some great resources)
3. Continue having your wonderful fiance help you day-to-day, as well as talk with us anytime you need to vent about IC and/or pregnancy, and all of this support can hopefully get you and the baby through the next 8-10 weeks (I assume after you deliver the baby, you can begin your previous IC treatments that were working??)

June 15, 2010 - 5:24pm


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