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You sound like you have a lot of issues going on in your life, and we would highly recommend talking with a therapist about your situation. Some of your sentences concern me:
- "...he drives me to make him leave..."
-"...I go all to pieces..."
- "...better off living with me, and I am not so destructive".
-"...he won't have to deal with my 7 year old."
-"...he can be free."

I won't even mention the substance abuse problem that you mentioned at the end, as an aside.

These phrases that you use do not make you sound "stupid" at all (as you said), but they do cause me to pause and wonder if there is some co-dependent relationship going on here. This does not sound like the stuff a healthy relationship is made of, but one of mutually pushing the other away, pulling them back, "making him" do something, "making you" do something.

I am glad that you are not in danger, but how is your 7 year old doing in this situation? Living with someone that doesn't have to "deal" with him or her? You aren't as "destructive" when your boyfriend is living with you...what does this mean, and how does it effect your 7 year old?

Please seek therapy as soon as you can, to work through these issues and learn what a healthy relationship is, for both you and your 7 year old.

November 5, 2009 - 3:08pm


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