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(reply to Anonymous)

If I understand your symptoms are that you have had bleeding on-and-off for 11 days during your period, and you've also had cramping..then this would not be a reason to go to the E.R. Symptoms that would indicate you might want to go to the E.R. would include:
- bleeding excessively, soaking more than 1 pad or tampon every hour
- bleeding for more than 7 days consecutively
- extreme pain
- any other symptoms that are worrisome (dizziness, extreme fatigue, etc)

Taking Plan B several times will not cause any harm, but as Cary said, it is not a good birth control. Birth control pills, when taken consistently and correctly, are 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. That's great, right!? Emergency contraception is much lower, and provides between 70-80% chance of preventing pregnancy. So, when you say you "took emergency contraception, and wouldn't think you are pregnant", Plan B just LOWERS your risk of pregnancy after unprotected sex. It does not diminish the chance, and only birth control pills or condoms can actually decrease your chance of pregnancy to less than 0.01%. That's a huge difference, and the reason to use reliable birth control every time.

Let us know what the doctor says about your symptoms!

October 14, 2010 - 12:01pm


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