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I am a little confused as to when exactly you took the emergency contraception? You took three of them within 10 days? This will not effect anything "in your future" long-term, but will most likely cause irregular bleeding and periods for a cycle or two.

Emergency contraception, if you are using it this frequently, is NOT a reliable form of birth control. It is only to be used when your primary form of birth control fails. It sounds like you do not have a primary form of birth control? The emergency contraception is only up to 80% effective at preventing pregnancy, and this number declines rapidly when it is not used immediately after unprotected sex. Compare this to hormonal contraception (like, the pill) which is 99% effective at preventing pregnancies, and the condom, which is up to 98% effective when used correctly and consistently.

Let us know if you have any additional questions!

July 13, 2010 - 2:10pm


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