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(reply to Anonymous)

I am so confused! You have been taking Plan B "until today"? Can you explain what that means? You originally said you took it June 20th, a few days after sex.

Your last period ended June 18th, which means it started around June 14th, and today is only July 4th. You are not expecting your period for another week or two, correct?

You are bleeding early, most likely due to taking Plan B. This is completely normal, as a side effect is breakthrough bleeding or late/early periods. If you are bleeding, this means you are not pregnant (the absence of bleeding could indicate a pregnancy). This bleeding could be your period, or breakthrough bleeding. Your cycle may be irregular for a cycle or two after taking Plan B.

Does this help? If not, can you explain what you mean by your taking Plan B "until today"? It sounds like you are having a period now, so that is great news!

July 4, 2010 - 6:41pm


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