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(reply to Anonymous)

I am not sure the exact order of events, but here is what I think you are saying:

If your boyfriend ejaculated, wiped off the ejaculatory fluid from his penis, then afterwards his penis may/may not have touched the outside of vagina, there would not be a need to use emergency contraception.

There is the slightest chance that sperm may still have been on the tip of his penis after wiping it off, and it is important to know that if there was enough ejaculatory fluid (containing sperm) and his penis actually penetrated your vagina...there is a small risk of pregnancy in theory. It is such a small risk (and only in theory, I do not believe there are any documented cases of a pregnancy actually occurring in this manner), that it would still not be necessary to take the pill.

The question is if he had a lot of ejaculatory fluid on his penis, and if he penetrated you...you would want to take emergency contraception.

Does that help? Sorry---it is not a yes/no or black/white situation!

December 12, 2010 - 9:06am


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