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(reply to ASpeas)

That does change things a little I can feel the "sting" just from reading the words..him wiping his mouth after you kiss him.

I would definitely ask him about this, next time he does that. Since you are so upset about many different aspects of your physical intimacy with him, if you can start small, keep it to this one situation (do not make it a big confrontation before going to sleep, or mentally/emotionally bring in all the other past hurts), but just sincerely ask him (if you can: from a place of inner-strength when you are feeling strong and not wanting sex at that moment, so it can honestly be a "curiosity" question):

Try asking him:
"I noticed you wipe off my kisses before you go to sleep, and it kind of hurts my feelings. Am I taking this the wrong way...is this a reflex, do I have too much chapstick on, or are you grossed out by my leftover kiss?"

March 11, 2010 - 1:12pm


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