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(reply to SeeDandy1)

Sorry I offended. My response was intended to not lecture or demean, but to offer another side to this choice. Yes, choice. I am all for advocating for women's health, but not in a way that uses scare tactics. Yes, I said "scare tactics" again. Medical and health information that is "real" may not necessarily be what we want to hear, it may not be good news, but it does not need to jump to the extreme of "scaring the health" into us. "Real" health education can provide all sides of the story, both pros and cons, and this makes the information credible, reliable, and leaves the decision in the other persons hand. I do not believe in telling someone what to do with their medical decisions; I am not in their shoes, do not presume to know their medical history, and do not pretend to be a doctor. I can encourage, influence and provide information, both from research and my own experience...but that's where it needs to end. For us to say "never! don't do it! run away"! is not helpful, and is actually hurtful and takes away another person's power of choice.

My goal is to help Terri find the best information, in an informative and empowering way; information from research, patient advocate groups, women's experiences, traditional medicine, alternative and complementary medicine, and everywhere in between. Then, the choice is hers.

I wish you the best; I really was coming from a place of care and compassion.

Take care,

April 7, 2009 - 12:02pm


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