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(reply to Anonymous)

I am sorry you are so worried and stressed!
From what I gathered from your story, it sounds like you had protected sex (with condoms), and any time your boyfriend ejaculated on you, it was not near or on your vagina.

You are late for your period by a week, which I know feels scary, but this is very normal. A home pregnancy test would be about 99% accurate at detecting any "pregnancy hormones" once you have missed your period. If you do not begin your period in another week, test again to confirm.

There are many reasons for a late, or even missed, period, including: stress, dramatic weight change, recent illness, new medication, underlying medical condition, or unknown factors. It is very common for women to be late, or even miss, a period, and in itself is not reason for concern if you are not pregnant. Your chances of pregnancy are slim, since you used protection (actually, you used the Withdrawal Method with your boyfriend pulling out before ejaculation and a condom...that is a very good use of safer sex practices!!), and if he did not ejaculate near/on your vagina, you can most likely trust in your negative pregnancy test results.

Try not to be consumed with stress (which can "cause" a late period, too), and be proud of yourself for using a condom. Test again in a week if your period does not start, and let us know the results.

June 1, 2010 - 7:48pm


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