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(reply to Anonymous)

If your girlfriend is on the pill, and is actually taking the pill every day consistently and correctly, then you would be having protected sex (from pregnancy). Using condoms is an added bonus to preventing pregnancy, and excellent method for both birth control and preventing sexually transmitted infections.

Pregnancy symptoms and pre-menstrual symptoms are identical and difficult to distinguish, since they are both caused from hormones in our body that create feelings of irritability, sore breasts, lower pack pain, nauseousness, headaches, cramps, etc. If her period is a day late, she can take a home pregnancy test to find out if she is pregnant, but we would suggest waiting a week to see if her period is just late. You are both having protected sex, and the pill is about 99% effective at preventing pregnancy; the condom is up to 98% effective.

Any sexual contact you two had before she got her period would not be relevant; if she got her period, then that is an indicator she is not pregnant. Her period being late this cycle has to do with the two times you had sex since the end of her last period. If she is nauseous and vomiting, it could be pre-menstrual symptoms, could be pregnancy symtpoms (doubtful since you used pills and condom!), or could be stomach-related problems.

Please let us know what you find out!

May 13, 2010 - 8:30pm


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