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(reply to Anonymous)

It is common for women to be late on their period--or even miss a period entirely--for no "apparent" reason. Our ovulation and menstrual cycles do vary from month-to-month, and can change due to recent illness, new medication, excess stress, etc. There are also medical reasons that women will stop menstruating, and can be evaluated by your doctor (doctors are not usually concerned if you are not experiencing any problematic symptoms until you have missed 2 or 3 periods in-a-row).

However, the most common reason for a missed period is pregnancy. I understand you had a tubal ligation (not sure how long ago?), which is about 100% effective, but have you considered taking a home pregnancy test...just to rule this possibility out of the equation?

As far as what you can take to relieve stress or help you sleep, there really are no good supplements beyond controlling the trigger or cause to each of these. I am not sure if your lack of sleep is medically related, if you have young children or babies in the house, or if your sleep environment is less-than-perfect...is there anything you can change to help you sleep that is within your control?

Same goes for stress, and depends what is causing the stress (trigger), how you are managing the stress (what have you already tried), options to lessen the stressors in your life and problem-solve and/or options to lessen your physical/emotional reactions to the stressors.

Let us know how we can help in any of these categories!

December 6, 2009 - 10:55pm


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