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(reply to skye1982)

It is possible to be pregnant anytime you have unprotected sex, but please know that women "only" have a 20% chance of conception with each cycle...and it takes most women 6-12 months to conceive. You will drive yourself crazy (I speak from personal experience) if you over-analyze every month's symptoms, because it becomes more and more heartbreaking with each period. Just knowing that you are doing everything you can to conceive, and taking your time (remember: 6-12 months!) and enjoying the process will help you remain stress-free and anxiety-free.

A pregnancy test will not be accurate until AFTER you have missed your expected period. Some tests say they are accurate up to 5 days before your expected period, but to receive a result that you know is 99% accurate, you would need to wait until the start date of your expected period.

January 23, 2011 - 8:48am


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