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Surviving Chemo-induced Nausea During the Holidays

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surviving the holidays with chemo-induced nausea Andres Rodriguez/PhotoSpin

Mistletoe, gingerbread and whiffs of pine may elicit special memories of Christmas, but if you are going through cancer treatment, the thoughts or smells of holiday comfort foods might cause your stomach to turn.

Nausea and vomiting are common side effects for some people undergoing cancer treatments. The feelings of stomach queasiness can be more pronounced with certain chemotherapy drugs or if treatments are given in higher doses.

If nausea is causing you anxiety, you're probably thinking, how do I cope at holiday gatherings with friends and family without throwing up? Experts say a few simple tips might do the trick.

First, prevention, like the old saying goes, is worth a pound of cure.

If your treatment is causing nausea, talk to your doctor. He or she may be able to prescribe anti-nausea medication.

Besides helping you feel better, the anti-nausea medication can help prevent unnecessary weight loss and ensure your nutritional needs are met.

If you are taking anti-nausea medication but it isn’t working, call your doctor or nurse right away.

Next, choose your foods wisely. Greasy, fried, salty, sweet or spicy foods are often not well tolerated. Even the smell can cause your stomach to feel unsettled.

Managing nausea at holiday gatherings can be particularly tricky. Michele Szafranski, a cancer dietitian at American Cancer Society suggests it’s better to eat five small meals rather than three big ones.

So before leaving your house, try eating a snack with fiber and protein, “just in case there aren’t many options for you” at the gathering.

At the gathering, look for foods you think might be well tolerated if you are particularly anxious about nausea. However, Szafranski suggests you might also want to consider this a prime opportunity to try new dishes to identify new flavors that might taste good to you.

Regardless which option is best for you, after you have your plate, start slow. Take small portions so you don’t get the “overfull” feeling. After all, you can always go back for seconds if you feel up to it.

Since cancer treatments can weaken your immune system, Szafranski suggests when foods are served buffet style, try to choose food from the inside of the table where little hands — and their germs — are less likely to be able to reach.

“Ask your doctor if it’s OK for you to drink alcohol before you go to holiday celebrations where you might be tempted to drink,” Szafranski says.

During cancer treatment, alcohol can cause mouth and throat irritation or may adversely affect your treatment. In some people, alcohol can worsen your side effects or increase your risk of new cancer.

Last, think positive. If you expect that your treatment will cause nausea and vomiting, there's a good chance it will.

"Although not all cancer treatments cause nausea and vomiting, patients can become so convinced that it’s a natural part of any treatment that it does occur," according to the Mayo Clinic.

Ask your doctor before starting treatment whether your specific therapy is likely to cause nausea and vomiting. He or she can then discuss options to make your treatment more comfortable.

Experiencing nausea associated with your cancer treatment doesn’t have to hamper your desire to indulge in some comfort foods. With a little thought, preparation, and the right approach, you can enjoy the season’s offerings and spending time with your loved ones.

Lynette Summerill is an award-winning writer and Scuba enthusiast who lives in San Diego with her husband and two beach loving dogs. Besides writing about cancer-related issues for EmpowHER, her work has been seen in newspapers and magazines around the world.

Sources and patient information:

Nausea and Vomiting. National Cancer Institute. Accessed online 5 Dec. 2012 at:

Chemotherapy, nausea and vomiting. Mayo Clinic. Accessed online 5 Dec. 2012 at:

Holiday Eating Tips if You’re in Treatment. Michele Szafranski, MS, RD, CSO, LDN. American Cancer Society. Accessed Dec. 5, 2012 at:

Reviewed December 18, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith

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EmpowHER Guest

Thank you for providing such helpful information about gingerbread effectiveness on cancer patients. Although all know there are only few people those obey these types of instruction but to me its very important to care about our health. It's better to enjoy full life rather than just few days.


December 21, 2012 - 6:08am
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