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What Causes Knee Arthritis? - Dr. O'Connor (VIDEO)

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More Videos from Dr. Mary OConnor 30 videos in this series

Dr. O'Connor describes the causes of knee arthritis.

Dr. O'Connor:
Arthritis in the knee can be caused by many conditions: injury. So if you were young and you had an injury to your knee, and we are seeing that more and more with young females now, injuring their anterior cruciate ligament because that’s going to predispose them to develop more significant arthritis in their knee when they are older. So, injury.

Simply getting old, so that the knee cushion wears out with age.

Obesity, unfortunately, we still have a big problem with obesity, and patients that are overweight are far more likely to wear out their knee. So one of the things I just preach to my patients is, you know, if you are overweight, really try to lose weight. It’s going to help your knee tremendously, and for those that aren’t, I congratulate them and say, you know, good job.

About Dr. O'Connor, M.D.:
Dr. Mary O'Connor, M.D., was accepted as a resident in orthopedic surgery at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, New York in 1985. She joined the orthopedic surgery staff at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida in 1991, and since 2005 has served as department chair. Dr. O'Connor cares for people with hip and knee arthritis, failed joint replacements, and pelvic tumors.

Visit Dr. O'Connor at Mayo Clinic


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