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What Are Thumb Arthritis Symptoms? - Dr. Steinmann (VIDEO)

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What Are Thumb Arthritis Symptoms? - Dr. Steinmann (VIDEO)
What Are Thumb Arthritis Symptoms? - Dr. Steinmann (VIDEO)
6 of 22 : Current video

Dr. Steinmann describes the symptoms associated with thumb arthritis.

Dr. Steinmann:
It’s actually a fairly easy diagnosis to make. Patient comes in and says, “I’m lifting things,” or turning the doorknob for example. They turn the doorknob and it was stuck and they get exquisite pain in their hand.

They might also notice a grinding sensation where they actually can feel that, it feels like sandpapers in the base of the thumb, and also fell that.

Sometimes the patient will actually feel pain, not just at the base of the thumb, which would be down in this area here, but they will feel pain that actually radiates into the thumb itself and they might, sometimes they point to this first knuckle joint, so to speak, and say, “It hurts here,” but in reality it’s the pain that is being transmitted down. It’s very uncommon to have arthritis at this joint here, but most commonly at the base of the thumb.

About Dr. Steinmann, M.D.:
Dr. Scott P. Steinmann, M.D., is on orthopedic surgery at the Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center in Minnesota. Dr. Steinmann received his medical training from Cornell University Medical College in New York, completed his residency in orthopedics at New York Orthopedic Hospital and completed a fellowships focusing on the shoulder and hand surgery from Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center and Mayo Graduate School of Medicine respectively.

Visit Dr. Steinmann at Mayo Clinic



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