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Sexual Arousal Creams, How Can These Enhance Intimacy? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)

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Sexual Arousal Creams, How Can These Enhance Intimacy? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)
Sexual Arousal Creams, How Can These Enhance Intimacy? - Patty Brisben (VIDEO)
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Patty explains how arousal creams can enhance sexual intimacy.

Patty Brisben:
Sexual arousal creams are wonderful. When we get excited, it starts in the brain first and the brain sends a signal to send the blood rush into the genital area swelling those areas, making us want to respond sexually.

What happens, maybe because of medication, stress, various different things can happen where we lose that connection and so, what arousal cream does is it’s a topical cream that you rub in the clitoral area and it swells the clitoris making you want to respond and making you want to have sex.

I think we are a pill-popping nation. We want to go to our doctors, we want a pill and, you know, somewhere that pill is going to do something in your body. So why not, if you can use a topical cream and you can have that response? It’s a wonderful way to go.

About Patty Brisben:
Patty Brisben is the CEO and Founder of Pure Romance, Inc., one of the fastest growing woman-to-woman businesses in the world. As a leading party planning company specializing in relationship enhancement products, Pure Romance is improving the quality of sexual health and awareness for women and couples everywhere.

Visit Patty at The Patty Brisben Foundation

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